Logistesch Produkter
Duebel-Deck Plastikplack vun Injektioun Schimmel Produkter
Kaihua Schimmel hëlt Stolz fir säin Duebelplast Puthlet ze presentéieren, e Testament zu Kaihua Engagement fir excellence ze excellence. Renowned for superior craftsmanship and precision, this Double-deck Plastic Pallet is constructed from premium materials that ensure both durability and efficiency. Double-deck Plastic Pallet robust design not only offers cost-effective solutions but also promises an extended service life, making it a sound investment for your business.Engineered with user convenience in mind, the Double-deck Plastic Pallet 's design facilitates seamless handling and transportation, perfectly aligning with the demands of industrial and commercial settings. Whether your needs encompass basic storage solutions or the intricacies of advanced logistics operations, kaihua Double-Deck Plastic Pallet is built to deliver unwavering reliability and peak performance. -
Klimaanlag Prototyp
The Air Conditioner Prototype from Kaihua Mold - the perfect solution for testing and showcasing your air conditioning products before mass production. Eis Prototype ass professionell entworf mat héijer Präzisioun fir eng korrekt Representatioun vum Finale Produkt ze garantéieren. With our Air Conditioner Prototype, you can easily identify and address any potential issues or improvements before mass production, saving you time and money. Vertrau d'Experten am Kaihua Schimmel fir héichwäerteg Prototypen ze liwweren déi Är spezifesch Bedierfnesser erfëllt. Kontaktéiert haut mat eis fir méi ze léieren. -
Plastik Logistik Palett
Eis Plackebelséit kritt Derbistenzerpartiz erreecht an foundihua formana form ofgelueden, e staarke professionnell Equipe an de passe Klauen Auswierkungen an déi Waasserstrichtegkeet an de Plaquatikorder an de Plaquatt anzekéient Spillduerchmorderungen entworf gëtt. Op d'Präzisioun an Erfratën, all Logistikspaler ass perfekt fir ze transportéieren an op eng sécher an effiziegen anzestänneg Aart ze transportéieren an aktiv eeschte Wee. No qualitiell Qualitéitsmaterial, ass et net nëmmen ophale liichtwäerter awer och staark genuch fir schwéier Last a matstrozen. With years of experience and expertise, Kaihua Mold has produced an exceptional product that is widely used in logistics and various types of industries. Wielt eis Plastik Logicistic Pallet fir de glattenen an sécherer Transport vun Äre Wueren ze garantéieren. -
Duebel -deck
Double -deck Part Name :Double-deck pallet D4-1111 Number : KH170384 Part size : 1100*1100*140 mm Part weight :19.28kg Pallet Part Feature Pallet is very strict for stacking, flexural strength, the lower plate strength, angle drop, average load strength etc. Pallet Dolly combination Pallet Lid Weight decreasing necessity causing more and more process like Mucell. Kaihua Technologie Palettdord Design a Fabrikatiounspartner Design / Cae Analyse / Schold-Delclivand Palett ass ...